The Prisoner of Carrot Castle
Overall Score: 94/100
version reviewed: 1.1
Best for: Interactive books, Attention & concentration, Early literacy, Eye-hand coordination, Interaction, Language, Personal & social, Thinking & problem solving, Understanding of the world
What it is: a story about a boy who doesn't like to eat vegetables, finds himself in the Carrot Castle and tries to find his way out. Written by Chris Pedersen, illustrated by Kate Jeong.
What you do with it: listen to the narration or read the book yourself. Touch objects on the pages for interaction (simple animations and sounds).
There are 3 simple puzzles (about 6 pieces each) included in the app.
What we liked: the story (with 'educational' twist - promoting eating vegetables), nice illustrations, interactive elements complementing the story, sounds and sound backgrounds.
What we didn't like: we wish there were more interactions and animations. Text layout is not 'young reader friendly' (small font, large blocks of text). The extra activities (puzzles) may be not too engaging for the target age group.
- Graphic quality:
- Length of play:
- Educational value:
- 2
- 4
- 6
- 8
- 10
- 13
- (years)




