Yum Num's Galaxy

Yum Num's Galaxy

Price: free (was 1.99$)

May contain `more apps` links

Overall Score: 43/100

version reviewed: 1.1.1


Best for: Games, Attention & concentration, Eye-hand coordination, Interaction, Personal & social, Thinking & problem solving, Understanding of the world

What it is: a simple game promoting healthy eating and teaching food-related vocabulary (contains about 11 recipes: e.g.: salad, apple oatmeal, grilled cheese etc.).

What you do with it: learn about the ingredients for specific dishes by 'hunting' for them in a space-like environment and 'cooking' them in a 'space cooker'.

Alternatively you can browse the 'real' recipes included with the app.

What we liked: the concept (promotion of 'healthy' eating through a game-like experience), funny graphics and sound effects. Two modes of play (easier for younger kids and 'game' for older).

What we didn't like: very limited educational value (just 3 basic ingredients for each dish, no real preparation process explained, the dishes are not exactly 'healthy' - they are just presented as an alternative to 'fast food). The game itself is very simple (just 'shoot' at the objects, no real challenge). Only 11 recipes. The recipes are text only.


  • Graphic quality:
  • Length of play:
  • Educational value:
  • 2
  • 4
  • 6
  • 8
  • 10
  • 13
  • (years)


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