Numbers learning: kids academy

Numbers learning: kids academy

Price: free

May contain ads

Overall Score: 65/100

version reviewed: 1.0


Best for: Education, Attention & concentration, Early math, Thinking & problem solving

What it is and what you do with it: a set of activities helping kids learn numbers from 1 to 10 (including 0) with the sea/sea animals theme.

Complete the mini-story to find all number. Then 'clean' it by tracing it's shape.

After you complete sets of numbers (e.g. numbers 1-3) additional practice activities are introduced, such as counting, grouping, number matching, number association.

What we liked: the concept. Good variety of simple activities helping kids develop basic math skills. Narration and spoken instructions. Fun illustrations.

What we didn't like: ads.


  • Graphic quality:
  • Length of play:
  • Educational value:
  • 2
  • 4
  • 6
  • 8
  • 10
  • 13
  • (years)