Green Eggs and Ham - Dr. Seuss - Android version
Overall Score: 91/100
version reviewed: 1.36
Best for: Interactive books, Attention & concentration, Early literacy, Eye-hand coordination, Interaction, Language, Personal & social, Understanding of the world
What it is: an interactive adaptation of Dr Seuss's classic.
What you do with it:three ways of 'reading' this book: listen to the narrated story with the words highlighted, read as a 'traditional' book and auto play (automatic reading and turning the pages). Tap on the pictures to hear the associated words read out.
What we liked: the story, original artwork, professional audio narration, sound backgrounds, picture/word associations, excellent reading options (words are highlighted when read by the narrator, you can tap on a single word to hear it read aloud or long press to listen to a paragraph).
What we didn't like: the ads for other apps have to be manually turned off (they are 'on' by default).
Free preview: if you are not sure, please see our 'See before you buy' video (below).
- Graphic quality:
- Length of play:
- Educational value:
- 2
- 4
- 6
- 8
- 10
- 13
- (years)





