Ginkgo Dino: Dinosaurs World Game for Children - Android Version
Overall Score: 84/100
version reviewed: 1.0.1
Best for: Education, Interaction, Thinking & problem solving
What it is and what you do with it: an app introducing kids to the world of dinosaurs.
The app has 2 main parts: a set of animated scenes (touch the dino to watch a short animation) and a set of interactive fact pages.
10 dinosaurs (Oviraptor, Troodon, Rapetosaurus, Velociraptor, Tarbosaurus, Nemicolepterus, Ankylosaurus, Protecartops, Shuvuia and Elasmosaurus).
What we liked: the concept. Good set of features in the Encyclopedia (fact pages) section (fossil uncovering, skeleton puzzles etc). Quality, kid friendly visuals. Narration and voice instructions. Sound backgrounds and sounds. No ads or other distracting features.
What we didn't like: the Adventure part of the app (interactive scenes) could offer more engagement and variety.
- Graphic quality:
- Length of play:
- Educational value:
- 2
- 4
- 6
- 8
- 10
- 13
- (years)