Animal 101
Overall Score: 96/100
version reviewed:
Best for: Brain teasers, Attention & concentration, Early literacy, Eye-hand coordination, Interaction, Language, Personal & social, Thinking & problem solving, Understanding of the world
What it is: flashcard application with 101 animal images and a quiz (with 101 questions).
What you do with it: there are 2 modes: 'animal book' and 'play game'. In the first option swipe your finger to reveal the animal and hear its name. In the play mode answer the questions by touching a correct animal.
What we liked: nice, simple graphics (in the majority of pictures), number of animals and questions. The questions are read aloud. You can always move back to the previous question/animal or skip to the next one or repeat the question.
What we didn't like: a liitle bit difficult navigation (e.g. you have to touch a very small button to repeat the question) and the audio quality (there is some hum in the background).
- Graphic quality:
- Length of play:
- Educational value:
- 2
- 4
- 6
- 8
- 10
- 13
- (years)


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