JumpStart Preschool - Windows Phone
Overall Score: 64/100
version reviewed:
Best for: Education, Attention & concentration, Early literacy, Early math, Eye-hand coordination, Interaction, Language, Memory, Personal & social, Thinking & problem solving, Understanding of the world
What it is: a pack of 15 activities teaching math, pre-reading and critical thinking skills.
What you do with it: please see our video presentation.
What we liked: concept, number of activities packed in one app, detailed spoken instructions.
What we didn't like: this app is trying to cover too broad range of topics, some activities are just too simplistic and seem to be 'thrown in', there are navigation/response problems (app is 'slow'), we didn't find the graphics and animations too enticing, there is a prominent 'more apps' button on the main screen.
- Graphic quality:
- Length of play:
- Educational value:
- 2
- 4
- 6
- 8
- 10
- 13
- (years)


Windows Phone

Windows Phone

Windows Phone

Windows Phone

Windows Phone